Elle you tease! You can not do this to me and millions of others jeez i come home today to this? THIS? I see thigh highs! Did it get hot in here? Who else is sweating? Anyway i can NOT wait until this comes out, the hair the make up everything is perfect.
Kristens outfit here is straight from the Runaway, its by D&G and part of their fall collection. When i saw it on the runaway i was not fond of it but the fierce one is magical and can make me sweat with her rocking it!
D&G Fall 2010 Sweater & Shorts (Both seen here)
Who else is excited for the full spread? I'll be here waiting for the epic steeze these next few months are sure to bring ;)
D&G pic comes from style.com and kstewartfans for the elle pic
Its early! I'm writing this before i head out for the day *sigh* can't i just stay at home and do this? So i woke up this morning to a pleasant suprise, Kristen in Gloss magazine. She's just showing up everywhere these days and i'm not suprised she is very photogenic. The only problem is there is only one picture, we were robbed!
Shes wearing a very lovely dress from the Calvin Klein Resort 2010 collection. As you can tell by the picture it has been modified slightly for Kristen, the original is quite long so the stylist has brought this up to make it almost a bubble hem for Kristen. I actually prefer it this way, it's more youthful and i love white on Kristen it contrasts with the dark hair quite nicely. I'm looking at her hair thinking this must have been taking a little while ago because her hair has kind of grown out of those layers now. I see her hair right now as an in between styles way where its growing out into another style. Anyway let me know what you think about this picture.................quite nice for the 6th sexiest woman in the world huh? ;)
Calvin Klein Resort 2010 Collection Dress (Modified for Kristen)
Thanks to the lovely twilightish blog for the scans :)
I'm sorry this had to be posted, literally i was just told Kristen has made 6th place in FHMs 'Sexiest Women' list. She is the highest new entry..........................all i can say is about time. It's nice to see you don't have t0 have surgery, fake hair long nails and a fake tan to be recognised as sexy. I'd like to think Kristen is a different kind of beauty, she just oozes natural sex appeal without wearing almost nothing and dressing up. She walks around in her jeans, her hair messy and in a baggy tee i love that she doesn't pretend to be someone shes not.
*sigh* that skin, such a natural beauty without even trying
Alot of people are influenced by people around them telling them what they should look like, all i can say is it's about time real women were recognised for what they are - true beauties.
A title well deserved don't you think ?
Never have Converse and bitchfacing been so sexy, i'll leave you with that ;)
*Grumbles* Good evening i am just back from the longest day ever, i wasn't going to bother posting this until the weekend but i didn't want to keep you guys waiting much longer. Its a pretty simple look shes rocking so i'll try and keep my ramblings to a minimum.
Kristen arrives at Vancouver wearing her her favourite Market Milla tee and a navy American Apparel zipper. Can i just say we need more blue on Kristen (psst not because it's my favourite colour) it just compliments her porcelin skin beautifully. Her jeans are simply her favourite BDG medium wash jeans (they were like literally impossible to get a hold of so defaults of them are so rare). Shes wearing my new favourite Ray Bans of hers - the black wayfarer with yellow interior ( i love yellow, i'm girlcrushing on those glasses so bad). Shoes wise she wears Keds Champion Sneakers, her version are navy and laceless. Theres no default in navy so i've posted a picture of the navy keds (for her colour) and a pair of laceless keds (for the style). She carried whatever kstew likes to travel with in her favourite Nike Lair backpack.
Market - Milla Boyfriend Tee (In black)
American Apparel Unisex Flex Fleece Zip Hoodie Buy here: http://bit.ly/6yfWS
BDG Skinny Jeans
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer with Yellow Interior (hanging off her tee)
Keds Champion Sneakers (Kristen wears a navy laceless version both navy and laceless are posted here)
I think Kristen may like Ray Bans! She actually doesn't wear many other brands of sunglasses, if any of you own Ray Bans you will know they are the most fantastic sunglasses. Their designs have really come up the last few years and now every celebrity owns a pair and the great thing is they never go out of fashion. Kristen has a HUGE collection of Ray Bans stored away in that fantastic closet of hers and i wanna take you through some of my favourites. Sit back and relax..........
Ray-Ban 3016 Clubmaster Sunglasses
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer II Black/White
Ray-Ban 3025 Aviator Sunglasses
Ray-Ban RB2143 Wayfarer II Sunglasses
Ray Ban Original Wayfarer with Yellow Interior
Thanks to kstewartfans for the airport pics and ehhh google for the rest :) i enjoy being inside Kristens closet it is filled with all kinds of goodies.