I've had alot of comments and people asking me about Kristens nails at 'The Runaways' premiere and how they can achieve this look (thanks to @quiet_soliloquy for encouraging me to post this). First off let me say this look is not nail polish, the metallic sheen on it is far to bright to be achieved with most polishes. No, these nails Kristen was rockin were Minx nails.
The launch of Minx nail fashion is a new and glamorous way for women to extend fashion to their very fingertips. Minx nails have become the latest must have fashion accessory for the celebs, being worn by names such as Victoria Beckham, Christina Aguillara, Rihanna and Beyonce to name but a few. They are a special type of nail covering. They are not painted on. flexible polymer that is heated then applied to nails, like a sticker, they are a mess free, green alternative to nail polish and fake tips.
Chrome Minx (which Kristen is wearing) is a way to achieve a perfect mirror finish without trying a chrome/metallic nail polish. (You can also get patterned minx nails as seen on Rihanna)