National Post has an article about the Twilight Phenomenon. Read below.
The first volume in Stephenie Meyer's series of teen vampire novels first hit bookstores in 2005, but it was 2008 that Twilight transformed into a full-blown cultural phenomenon. The final volume in Meyer's tetralogy, Breaking Dawn, was released on August 2; the book's release was the publishing event of the year. In fact, the Twilight saga captured four of the five slots in the list of top-selling books in Canada in 2008. It's been said before but bears repeating: though it may trail in books sold and ticket sales, Twilight now rivals the mighty Harry Potter franchise when it comes to hype. The stars of the film were tabloid mainstays, and the movie remains firmly entrenched in the top 10 at the box office a full six weeks after its release. The film has already grossed over $150 million in North America. The second film, New Moon, has already been fast-tracked and will hit theatres in fall 2009.