BBC has a Q&A with Kristen Stewart. She talks about the film, her instant fame, her co-star Rob Pattinson and the fandom.
There's been all this madness following you in America on the promotional tour for Twilight. Did you find that easy or hard to deal with?
I'm really not good at it.Some people are great at it. It's like the other side of the job. I can't believe I have to do it. It makes it easier because I'm really proud of the movie and I'm a fan of the book as well.
So it's weird to see people mainly my age flipping out over Rob [Pattinson] walking into the room. He shifts in his seat and they all just go crazy. It's a little daunting.
How do you deal with that? Do you take the mickey out of Robert all the time for the reaction he gets?
Oh my god. All the time. Constantly. It's like, 'Rob. Touch your hair again'.