GF: Kristen, thanks for meeting up with Girlfriend. A little birdie tells us that you're half Australian.
Kristen: That's True. My Mum is an Australian and my Dad is American.
GF: Do you spend much time in Australia?
Kristen: I've actually only been to Australia twice, but both times it was for extended periods. I was only little, about five and nine. My mum has great friends in Australia but she doesn't have much family there so she's not compelled to go back often.
GF: When you were in OZ, where did you spend most of your time?
Kristen: Noose Heads. It's so beautiful there. My mum is from a town near there. Its a strange name...I think its Maroochy? (Laughs)
GF: Maroochydore?
Kristen: Yeah that's it.
GF: Is it true that you're a big surfer?
Kristen: No, not really. I think that rumour came from an interview I did when I was young and the day before that interview I went surfing. So when they asked me what I liked to do I said "I love surfing". Now everyone thinks I'm this big surfer (laughs). I did surf a little bit in Noosa. The beaches in Australia are beautiful. I don't like LA beaches. I think they're disgusting.
GF: So, its up to Girlfriend to finally correct the misinformation. Kristen Stewart is not a diehard surfer girl.
Kristen: Correct. That's Girlfriend. But if I'm in Australia I'll hop on a longboard.
GF: Okay, here's the big test to discover how Australian you are...Do you like Vegemite?
Kristen: I actually kind of like Vegemite. I can't eat mass quantities though. Do you like it?
GF: Ofcourse! Australians are raised on it!
Kristen: I don't mind it at all. It's pretty good, but my mum, she smears thick layers of it on her bread. Is it good for you?
GF: It's rich in Vitamin B.
Kristen: That's Funny.
GF: In Twilight you work with Robert Pattinson who plays a characted described as "the most beautiful guyin the world". Do you agree?
Kristen: I find Rob to be a beautiful man. Objectively speaking (laughs). He has a beautiful soul too.
GF: Is it true Rob is quite shy?
Kristen: Yeah, a little bit. He's very unassuming. He's so tall and imposing, but very sweet. It's funny to see Rob playing the most beautiful guy on the planet because he is such a down-to-earth person. He's not pretty, that's the thing. He's not delicate looking. He's very strong looking. Put it this way, he's not the sort of guy who would go home and stare at a mirror.
GF: Is Rob the kind of guy you would usually like to date?
Kristen: Rob? Ummmm, I don't really have a specific guy.
GF: What's a trait that a guy has to have for you to be interested in him?
Kristen: I like a guy who looks like they're thinking about something. Rob is definitely that type of guy. I'm always like, "What are you thinking about?"
GF: So your man is the philisophical thinking type rather than the muscle-bound sports star?
Kristen: Oh yeah (laughs). Absolutely.
GF: Twilight is based on novels that are loved so much around teh world. Are you nervous what fans of the books will think of the film?
Kristen: There's a lot of pressure from the fans of the books, but we were all aware that it would be such a bummer if they don't love the movie. A lot of care was put in to ensure we made a great film, so I can honestly say fans will love it.
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→Kristen Stewart gushes about Rob Pattinson
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