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Robert Pattinson competes with Brad Pitt

    Brad Pitt better watch himself because Robert Pattinson is ready to take his place.

    Not only is Robert younger, better looking and unattached but he can put on an accent as good as Brad Pitt's Irish accent in Snatch.

    Super clever Robert didn't struggle to pick up an American accent to play the gorgeous Edward Cullen in Twilight.
    He told MyParkmag: "All of my favourite actors are American and I grew up watching American movies.

    "It's weird I used to do a New Jersey accent in every audition in America, because I liked it. It's completely bizarre and everybody would ask: 'Where are you from?' And I would say: "Oh, I'm from London!

    He doesn't think that being English has helped him play a convincing vampire.
    Robert explains: "I don't know if being British helps! (Laughs) It's weird because there were a lot of British people up for this part.

    "The author's choice was an English guy which was really strange. She wanted all English guys to play Americans. I think there is something about this myth in America of British people being classy."

    Photo Credit: Entertainment Weekly


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Robert Pattinson competes with Brad Pitt

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