Surely, amid his throng of female admirers, there has to be someone who fits his type?
'They're all pretty young,' Pattinson, who is single, said somewhat sheepishly.
'I don't really have a 'type', but I like smart people. You know, I really like (comedienne-actress) Tina Fey. She is, like, the sexiest woman.'
He also admitted having crushes on actresses Patricia Arquette and Elisabeth Shue at one point.
Looks like he does have a 'type' - older women.
The brown-haired actor with piercing blue-grey eyes added: 'I never really considered myself attractive, really. I was always kind of gangly in school.'
He appeared to be quite baffled by the heartthrob label and confessed he does not even watch his own movies.
He made his movie debut in an uncredited role in Mira Nair's Vanity Fair opposite Reese Witherspoon and Jonathan Rhys-Meyers. This was followed by a handful of made-for-TV movies.
But if he looks familiar, here is a memory trigger: You probably saw him in Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, playing the dreamy but doomed Quidditch team captain Cedric Diggory from the Hufflepuff house.
Pattinson said: 'I don't really like watching my stuff. It makes me feel sick. You imagine you look a certain way in your head, and when it looks even the slightest bit different from what you imagine, you go, 'Rubbish!'.
'I'm pretty self-critical.'
Which such self-consciousness, it is hard to imagine how Pattinson can handle the sudden stardom.
Especially since the role of Edward in Twilight is a heavy burden to bear, given the amount of speculation and anticipation that preceded it.
Protective female fans who had read the books had fantasised extensively over who should play the role ever since the movie adaptation was announced.
That Pattinson, largely an unknown, was cast in the lead role raised the audience's expectations of him.
Co-star Stewart, an unknown herself, thinks Pattinson was the right choice.
She told The New Paper in a separate interview: 'I think what makes him so appealing is that he's so sympathetic.
'During the audition, he was organically feeling the pain and fear of what his character was going through. I think that's why girls love him. Read More
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→Robert Pattinson likes Smart Women
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